Wednesday, October 12, 2011

American Revolution

*Vocabulary Quiz on Friday*
Parents: We have ended our first nine week period and are now beginning a new unit. We will cover all of the American Revolution. This information is going to be very hard for the students to learn and remember. They should be reviewing all the notes they have every night.
This week's test will be over vocabulary we have been discussing this week. Each student should have their words written down to study.
Next week we will move back to our regular schedule of test on Wednesdays.

Notes for this week's test:

Fort: a structure built for protection in battle
People in a battle will build ____________ for protection.

Fork: when two rivers come together to make a third
The French built a fort at the ____________ of the Ohio River.

Revolution: sudden change(changing the government)
The colonists wanted to start a ______________ because they wanted to start their own government.

Parliament: lawmaking body of British government (like our Congress)
The colonists wanted to have representatives in the British ________________.

Allies: friends in war
Many French and Native Americans were ____________ in the French and Indian War.

Alliance: formal agreement between groups, nations, individuals, etc...
The French and Native Americans formed an _______________ during the French and Indian War.

Repeal: cancel
The Stamp Act was ________________ in 1766 after The Stamp Act Congress wrote a declaration to the king.

Boycott: refuse to buy
The colonists had a ______________on British goods because they did not want to pay the taxes on those goods.

Declaration: formal statement
The Stamp Act Congress wrote a _______________ to the king of Britain to repeal the Stamp Act.

Liberty: freedom to chose your own government
The colonists were fighting for ______________. They wanted freedom from Britain's rule.

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