Tuesday, October 25, 2011

American Revolution: Boston Tea Party & Intolerable Acts

Parents: This week's quiz will be over the Boston Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts.

Notes for this week's quiz:

What date did the Boston Tea Party take place? December 16, 1773
Who was responsible for the Boston Tea Party? Sons of Liberty
What were the men disguised as that dumped the tea overboard? Indians
Why did the Boston Tea Party happen? the colonists had a protest on tea
What was a result of the Boston Tea Party? Parliament created the Intolerable Acts
What was the purpose of the Intolerable Acts? to punish the colonists
What did the Intolerable Acts include? blockading and quartering
What was the result of the Intolerable Acts? the First Continental Congress was formed
Who were the Sons of Liberty? group of ordinary colonists who protested taxes
Who is the Parliament? British Congress
What does intolerable mean? unacceptable
What is a blockade? when ships block other ships from entering or leaving a harbor

Friday, October 21, 2011

BIG Thank You

Parents: For the past three weeks, the students have been writing letters to soldiers over seas. These letters are meant to be a thank you to the soldiers for their service.
We are working with a radio station who is trying to get 400,000 letters by next week. This project is called 'The Big Thank You.' Their goal is to have a letter sent to every soldier who is serving overseas.
The students have written 374 letters total!!!! I am so proud of their effort and willingness to do this! Give your child a pat on the back!

Monday, October 17, 2011

American Revolution: French and Indian War

Parents: This week's quiz will cover the French and Indian War, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and The Boston Massacre. Every student has a graphic organizer with this information. Next week's quiz will repeat this information, as well as new information covered.
**Make sure your children are reviewing whatever notes they have every night. This information will continue to get more difficult!

Notes for this week's quiz:

Who fought in the French and Indian War? French and British
Who won the French and Indian War? British
What was the purpose of the French and Indian War? The French and the British both wanted land west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What did the king do after the British won the war? issued a proclamation telling colonists they could not move to the new territory
Why was the Sugar Act put in place? England needed a way to pay the debt from the war.
What did the Sugar Act tax? sugar
What did the Stamp Act tax? newspapers & legal documents
The Stamp Act Congress was formed to get rid of the Stamp Act. They wrote a declaration to the King George to get the Stamp Act repealed. What does repealed mean?
canceled; done away with
Who was shot in The Boston Massacre? colonists
What is the correct sequence of events? French and Indian War, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

American Revolution

*Vocabulary Quiz on Friday*
Parents: We have ended our first nine week period and are now beginning a new unit. We will cover all of the American Revolution. This information is going to be very hard for the students to learn and remember. They should be reviewing all the notes they have every night.
This week's test will be over vocabulary we have been discussing this week. Each student should have their words written down to study.
Next week we will move back to our regular schedule of test on Wednesdays.

Notes for this week's test:

Fort: a structure built for protection in battle
People in a battle will build ____________ for protection.

Fork: when two rivers come together to make a third
The French built a fort at the ____________ of the Ohio River.

Revolution: sudden change(changing the government)
The colonists wanted to start a ______________ because they wanted to start their own government.

Parliament: lawmaking body of British government (like our Congress)
The colonists wanted to have representatives in the British ________________.

Allies: friends in war
Many French and Native Americans were ____________ in the French and Indian War.

Alliance: formal agreement between groups, nations, individuals, etc...
The French and Native Americans formed an _______________ during the French and Indian War.

Repeal: cancel
The Stamp Act was ________________ in 1766 after The Stamp Act Congress wrote a declaration to the king.

Boycott: refuse to buy
The colonists had a ______________on British goods because they did not want to pay the taxes on those goods.

Declaration: formal statement
The Stamp Act Congress wrote a _______________ to the king of Britain to repeal the Stamp Act.

Liberty: freedom to chose your own government
The colonists were fighting for ______________. They wanted freedom from Britain's rule.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Posttest 1

**Posttest 1 Thursday**
Parents: We will take Posttest 1 on Thursday. I have made study guides for every student that have all the information they need.

Students: Here is the website we used in class about Colonial America.

Notes for Posttest 1:

Native Americans
When the _________ died, it led to the permanent elimination of some villages of Native American tribes. buffalo
Which Native American tribe went whale hunting? Inuit
The Pawnee lived in dome shaped houses because ______________. it kept them cool in summer and warm in winter
Why didn’t Europeans and Native Americans get along? they competed for land
How did the Native Americans NOT help Explorers? they competed for land

What were all European explorers in search of? a short trade route to Asia
Who sailed with Columbus and founded Florida? Juan Ponce de Leon
Who discovered the Americas? Christopher Columbus
What explorer traded with Native Americans? John Cabot
What continent were all Europeans in search of and eager to trade with? Asia

Colonial Life
If you lived on a plantation and owned slaves, you would be in a __________ colony. Southern
Why were the middle colonies nicknamed the ‘breadbasket colonies’? it had good soil and a good climate to grow crops
What colonies had poor farming because they had thin, rocky soil? New England
What shows how specialization improved the standards of living in the New England colonies? (How did they make money?)shipbuilding
________were not taken against their will and were given freedom after a certain length of time. Indentured servants
Voluntary exchange = bartering
trade off = voluntary exchange