Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Posttest 2

These are the rest of the notes for Posttest 2.

Which battles started the American Revolution? Lexington and Concord
What battle ended the Revolutionary War? Yorktown
Rivers were important to many American Revolution battles.
The Declaration was written because a group of people found they had no choice but to form a new nation.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
The Sons of Liberty were a group of colonists.
Who wrote “Common Sense”? Thomas Paine
Who committed treason? Benedict Arnold
Who was the leader of the Continental Army? George Washington
Who protested the Stamp and Intolerable Acts? Patrick Henry
Who was the second president of the United States? John Adams
Who was the ruler of Great Britain during the American Revolution? King George III

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Posttest 2

**This week's test will be on Friday**
Parents: This week we will take Posttest 2. The entire test will be on the American Revolution. Every student has a study guide to use. This is the first set of notes.

Students: Map Game What we use in class is States 1 Beginner.

Notes for Posttest 2:

When the French and Indian War was over, the Parliament passed laws to tax the colonists because Great Britain needed the colonists to help pay for the war.

What event led to the revolutionary movement in America? The Stamp Act

Why did the Stamp and Tea Acts anger the colonists? The tax money was going to the British government.

The Boston Tea Party occurred because Parliament wanted to give the East India Company a monopoly on tea.

The group formed in the colonies who wanted independence were called the Sons of Liberty.

The colonists had a boycott on British goods. A boycott is a refusal to buy goods.

The colonists refused to pay taxes until they had representation in Parliament. What did the colonists call this? "No taxation without representation"

Since many colonists disagreed about being taxed without having representatives, they refused to buy British goods.

What were the key issues of the American Revolution?
-taxation by the British
-lack of representation
-Intolerable Acts