Tuesday, October 25, 2011

American Revolution: Boston Tea Party & Intolerable Acts

Parents: This week's quiz will be over the Boston Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts.

Notes for this week's quiz:

What date did the Boston Tea Party take place? December 16, 1773
Who was responsible for the Boston Tea Party? Sons of Liberty
What were the men disguised as that dumped the tea overboard? Indians
Why did the Boston Tea Party happen? the colonists had a protest on tea
What was a result of the Boston Tea Party? Parliament created the Intolerable Acts
What was the purpose of the Intolerable Acts? to punish the colonists
What did the Intolerable Acts include? blockading and quartering
What was the result of the Intolerable Acts? the First Continental Congress was formed
Who were the Sons of Liberty? group of ordinary colonists who protested taxes
Who is the Parliament? British Congress
What does intolerable mean? unacceptable
What is a blockade? when ships block other ships from entering or leaving a harbor

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