Monday, October 17, 2011

American Revolution: French and Indian War

Parents: This week's quiz will cover the French and Indian War, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and The Boston Massacre. Every student has a graphic organizer with this information. Next week's quiz will repeat this information, as well as new information covered.
**Make sure your children are reviewing whatever notes they have every night. This information will continue to get more difficult!

Notes for this week's quiz:

Who fought in the French and Indian War? French and British
Who won the French and Indian War? British
What was the purpose of the French and Indian War? The French and the British both wanted land west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What did the king do after the British won the war? issued a proclamation telling colonists they could not move to the new territory
Why was the Sugar Act put in place? England needed a way to pay the debt from the war.
What did the Sugar Act tax? sugar
What did the Stamp Act tax? newspapers & legal documents
The Stamp Act Congress was formed to get rid of the Stamp Act. They wrote a declaration to the King George to get the Stamp Act repealed. What does repealed mean?
canceled; done away with
Who was shot in The Boston Massacre? colonists
What is the correct sequence of events? French and Indian War, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, The Boston Massacre

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